Smart Girl, Smart Porn

Random ramblings on sex, politics, and the crazy mishaps that always seem to come my way. Oh baby oh baby.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

My renewed faith in men, thanks to frat guys?

It's Sunday night and I'm not sure whether to laugh hysterically or be entirely sketched out about my weekend. In actuality, everything in question went down on Friday... It was a rather simple night, but we all know how those kinds of nights can turn out to be the most eventful.

Having been invited to a kegger in honor of a recently departed Fraternity on campus, I threw aside drinking in the dorms to go spread my wings off campus. The night started out with pre-funking to various mixed drinks while watching the Evil Dead (I had made quite the impression on the group previously while playing Dead Rising last weekend), and then progressed to piling into a car and heading over to the actual party.

The party was cool; a lot of the guys were actually from a frat up in Portland who knew the hostess. I can't say I had much interaction with them besides talking to a couple of them until the after party. Back to where I started except with more booze in my system and a few other things I really shouldn't have been playing around with. That's when it got hazy and I curled into the fetal position to slowly drift towards sleepy goodness.

I don't know what happened then seeing that I was asleep. All I remember is making noises while someone next to me laughed like a goon and made noises back. Slowly drifting back into consciousness, I started to realize that I have no idea who this guy is and that his hand is on my hip. I look up to find the worried eyes of my pre-funking buddy, mouth "what the hell is going on?" and start giggling uncontrollably. About this time, the Portland guys are sketched out by their buddy's actions so much they start to try to pry him off me and up to go home. Putting up quite the fight, they finally drag him out the door, while I sit there, still curled up, laughing. Various guys run back in and apologize, run out, and then they're gone.

I laugh.

My buddy apologizes.

I laugh some more.

Another friend comes down and asks what the hell happened.

I keep on laughing. Eventually I go to bed, and it's all history from there.

Really, I was not too sketched out, and find it hilarious because I just found out that the guy got kicked out of his Frat for sketching out everyone else who saw what happened. That, and apparently when they got him back to Portland he freaked and tried to kill someone. Funny how things happen sometimes!

Popped collars and all, I have quite a lot of gained respect for those frat guys who stood up for me. So thank you guys, I never thought I'd be saved from a sketchy situation with a frat guy by extremely sketched out frat guys. You have renewed my faith in men, so kudos to you.


Blogger F.A. said...

heh that was funny. (i found you on that 'random blog' thing) Are you near Portland? I want to go to Reed...whic is right outside the city, ya? So yeah... Hopefully I'll be there next year.

12:46 AM  
Blogger Brandon said...

I'm confused. What does "sketched out" mean?

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, funny story... I had a run in with the PSU branch of the frat and there was a sketchy brother who got kicked out for being a creeper toward me and other girls at a Willamette party back in the day... Maybe they need better recruiting methods.

11:04 PM  

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