But can you really blame us?
Why don't people believe me when I tell them what's going on in my life? For some reason, I guess the things happening to me just seem too theatrical and comedic to actually happen in real life. The randomness of events makes my summer sound like a lost episode of Seinfeld. Mixed with Sex and the City, of course.
Yet summer has come to and end, and I've triumphantly returned to school. So far all is well, and I still have time to laugh at the rest of the world.
I'd like to extend a very big thank you to Britain for their latest mockumentary "Death of a President." It truly takes balls to make a mock documentary about President Bush being assassinated.
I just hold out hope that I'll actually get to see the 90 minute film, given that the Republican Party isn't too fond of the idea of letting it air on American television... They think it will give people "ideas." Maybe its just me, but I'm pretty sure that we've all had those ideas already. Considering Bushy boy has racked up more death threats than all of the other past presidents combined, yeah, I'm pretty sure the idea of shooting him isn't a new one.
The so-called Grand Old Party is calling the film sick, and can't believe that anyone would want to watch something like this. But come on, they should know by now that we'll be all over this more than Paris Hilton's porno.
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