Hookers or Hookahs?
Tight on money, looking to move out of your parents' house? Of course you are, but isn't it more important to be cool?
Why yes! Yes it is. Living with your parents... and your two best friends... that's pretty hardcore right there. Yet somehow, you still insist on stepping it up another notch. First it's that hunk of speeding sex that you just had to have so you could be caught ridin' dirty, and hopefully picking up the chicks. Then its the myspace bandwagon; oh boy lets whore it up on the internets!
But what could make this picture complete? Living with the parents because you can't afford to move out... I KNOW! Let's add a Hookah into the mix! That's another couple of hundred bucks flushed down the toilet, but an increase of 5% of your cool factor. Like oh my gawd, you're totally gonna get the quality hookers now. Hookers and Hookahs, you guys got it made.
In your parents' house.
Sex, drugs, and drop and roll when you burn that shit down. Good luck buddy, and give me a call if you're ever looking for a REAL good time.
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