Stuck on a swanky swell?
Ah Horsefeathers...
Isn't it just great when you meet someone that you think is just the bee's knees, and they turn out to be just another wet blanket?
So I have a little bit of beef right now, and I blame it on a weekend that was all wet and turned out to be a complete flat tire. Friday night, after a little too much giggle water, we left the dead soldiers behind and moved across campus for a little bit of baloney. Now my gang and I were a bit corked, but were nothing compared to the guys we joined up with (who were completely fried to the hat).
It was all Jack, until some ossified big cheese started feeding me lines. Maybe, in my zozzled state, I was a bit of a pushover. Sure, he wasn't much of a Sheik, but he definitely had It. Plus, I guess I was sorta carrying a torch for the guy, even though I may have been acting like quite the Dumb Dora when I ignored my buddy's pleas that I "don't take any wooden nickels"... Yet, after a little cash right on the kisser, it was too late for me. But to be level with you, it really wasn't a drag at the time.
Now I'm all balled up, because the Bank's Closed, and I feel as if I'm being given the high-hat. But then again, what can I expect? I've come to the conclusion that I am ab-so-lute-ly the Queen when it comes to awkward situations after some spifflicated petting (and then some).
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